criticality safety

  • 网络临界安全;临界安全性
criticality safetycriticality safety
  1. Monte Carlo Approach towards Calculation for Nuclear Criticality Safety


  2. First Start-Up of Nuclear Criticality Safety Experiment Facility for Uranyl Nitrate Solution


  3. As a result , it can be a theoretical basis in nuclear criticality safety for reality production .


  4. Calculation of Nuclear Criticality Safety for Duration of Materials Handling from Container at Uranium Enrichment Plant


  5. One of the most important applications of the Monte Carlo method is the calculation of the nuclear criticality safety .


  6. Monte-Carlo Calculation of Nuclear Criticality Safety of Uranium-Water System


  7. This paper described the design mind and support technology and system principle of the control protection system of nuclear criticality safety experiment facility for nitride uranium solution .


  8. Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors & Safety controls in conducting subcritical neutron multiplication measurements in situ


  9. This paper gives an overview of the technology of criticality safety in the next decade , and a preliminary discussion on some concerning criticality safety problems .


  10. The nuclear fissile reaction system , which provides nuclear energy or neutrons , theoretically demands its criticality safety and neutron energy spectrum to be predicated .


  11. In general , when doing analyses of criticality safety of spent fuel transport or storage , one assumption is that the compositions of the spent fuel are same as the fresh fuel .


  12. The article presents the process of calculating the critical mass of nitride uranium solution by the reciprocal extrapolation method when doing the criticality safety experiment for different concentration of nitride uranium solution in the nitride solution nuclear criticality safety experimental facility .


  13. By using this package , the 63-group multigroup constants working file MC is generated and interconnected with the nuclear engineering criticality safety Monte Carlo NEMCS program . By which the effective multiplication factors of Pu and U systems are calculated , the primary results are satisfied .


  14. To generate a clear spent fuel assemblies loading criteria ( to meet the criticality criteria of the safety analyses ) for a special spent fuel pool .
